working mommy

03 September 2013

being a mom, isn't it hard to find time just for yourself? i love being a mom, but gosh darn it! you need a break! i try my best to use my time wisely while baby anthony is down for a nap...((is it bad to say that i look forward to his 12 o'clock naps??)). lately i've been thinking what i can do to help myself feel accomplished and/or something to look forward to every day. it's been hard lately trying to love my full-time job as a mommy, and i hated that i felt that way. so i've been thinking guys, i think i need to be a working mommy. so, i have a confession...

i am going to start my own business designing my own fabric and make them into baby leggings!
you probably thought it was something super cray cray right? nope...just me making baby leggings! but please send me some good and positive energy my way...'cause i'm going to need it! i'll keep you posted through my journey. i'm pretty sure baby anthony will be my model and i'll post pictures once they're ready to launch! right now, i'm going to start with these prints that i just ordered. i didn't design them but they will most definitely be inspirations!

i'll keep you guys posted and updated on my progress! i'm super excited! keep me in your prayers and again send me some good, positive energy my way! OH and suggestions, advice, or a word of wisdom/encouragements are welcome!!

here are some of the prints i'll be using [[print designer: Andrea Lauren]]

 here's a little sample

oh and here are some pictures of baby anthony and our weekend bbq:

1&2: at the U // 3. my sister and i being weird // 4. daddy at the bbq // 5. the best chicken wings ever // 6. auntie jieun with baby anthony // 7. the crew


  1. Jeehye, I would buy so many leggings from you and I'm sure a lot of my friends would too! Such a cute idea!

    1. Thanks Haerim! Seriously, you made my day! Baby Aspen would look darling in these leggings! If you're interested, I'll let you know when I'm ready to launch so she can be one of the first to ship out!

  2. JEEHYE! I posted a comment right after I read this post right after you posted it, but my computer was being ridiculous and didn't post it. BUT. I think this is SO GREAT!! I am so happy for you! I will be the first to agree that every mommy needs to step back and take a breather every now and again. This will be perfect. So good. And I will definitely buy leggings from you!! As long as they are not outrageously expensive....... ;) xoxo

    1. Hey Alisha!! I've been wanting to go to your yoga sessions! I've just been super busy with my new project lately. But I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it to one if you have more in the future! I hope it's not too expensive for you! I'm going to be using 100% organic jersey fabric and they tend to a little pricey. Once my website is launched and if you're interested, then email. I can work something out for you ;)Thanks Alisha! We need to get together sometime soon! I live in Salt Lake now so we're a lot closer!

  3. I absolutely LOVE your prints. Really.
