new fabric + giveaway

06 October 2013

i don't know how many of you guys follow me on FB and instagram, but our shop came with 5 new different fabrics. if you want to check out the different fabrics, you can visit our shop here.

....and to celebrate, we decided it would be best by doing a little giveaway!

for our giveaway we'll be treating our babies AND our mamas. who says only babies get to win free stuff?! so we'll be offering our new organic white on black trio dash headband for the mamas and a matching legging for the babe.

even if you're not a mama, you are still more than welcome to enter!

here's how you enter:
(please leave a comment to let me know you have done all 3-4 steps)
1. follow this blog (blue "join this site" button)
2. follow us on instagram with hashtag #triodash (@ourlittlelullaby) more info for extra entires
3. like us on facebook
4. for extra entries share this giveaway via FB or repost the giveaway on instagram

good luck everybody!! don't forget to leave a comment for every step! the winner will be announced october14th via


  1. Love your work!! So excited for this giveaway. I follow on via GFC, Cortney Tackett

  2. I reposted on IG. (callenscloset)

  3. I shared on FB (cortney Tackett)

  4. Hey! I'm so excited for you guys! I know Ron from working at the library. Super cool business! I follow your blog via feedly.

  5. I follow on instagram (@ravidmar)

  6. I like your business on FB (Rachel Allen Vidmar)

  7. I follow on IG, through two accounts, shoplyds and lydswashere!

  8. I "like" you on Facebook! Lydia Kassinger

  9. I just shared the giveaway on my @shoplyds instagram account!

  10. I completed all the steps!! So excited for you

  11. I follow your blog and like you on facebook. I don't have an instagram or else I'd do that too. Good Luck with your new shop! The items are awesome! P.S. you guys are such a cute family! (I know Ron from BYU) Hope all is well!

  12. hi!!! I followed you in insta, facebook, and your blog! :)

    insta: Ladywade01

  13. Following blog, following on IG, liked on FB, shared on FB and IG. Thanks!!
